Saturday, December 20, 2008

May 2nd, I had tickets to join the ladies at my church to hear Beth Moore. Then I received a call from one of mom's life long friends, Thelma Harmon, telling me that another of mom's life long friends, Martha Barnes, was turning 80! And, she had come up with a plan for me to grab momma, start south on 55, stop and pick her up in Portageville, then take them both down to surprise Martha in Little Rock!! How could I turn that down!?! I called and gave away my Beth Moore tickets and made a road trip to Little Rock! It was such a precious trip to watch momma laugh and giggle with her "girlfriends". Precious memories......
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Becky said...

can't see this pic or the one of your turn in front of the I doing it wrong?? I can see the one of Jen and Alberto and momma and Martha and T.

Lois said...

ditto (can't see this pic or the one in front of the tree, but can the others)